Tribal Consultation & Collaboration
State Tribal Collaboration Act (STCA)
The STCA mandates the development and implementation of policies that promote effective communication and collaboration between state agencies and tribes, positive government-to-government relations, cultural competency in providing effective services, and establishes a method for notifying state agency employees. These state agency policies are known as the State Tribal Consultation Collaboration and Communication Polices (see below for each state agency policy).
The STCA also mandates state agencies to make a reasonable effort to collaborate with tribes when programmatic actions may have tribal implications or otherwise affect American Indians/Alaska Natives, every state agency to designate a tribal liaison serving as a contact person between the state agency and tribes, and the Indian Affairs Department (IAD) to maintain a list of names and contact information of tribal leaders and state agency tribal liaisons (see below for tribal liaisons).
Other mandates of STCA are the annual summit for the governor and leaders of tribes to address issues of mutual concern, known as the State Tribal Leaders Summit (see below), and an annual report on the activities of all state agencies pursuant to the STCA (see annual reports below).
Karmela Martinez, Operations Manager
New Mexico Indian Affairs Department
Cell: (505) 469-7057