Low-Level Fly Overs
With the increased concerns from Pueblo leadership about the military overflights on their tribal lands, our department and the New Mexico National Guard came together to help make this Memorandum of Understanding a reality.
This Memorandum of Understanding between the NM Indian Affairs Department (IAD) and the NM National Guard (NMNG) was created to address the on-going concern of military over-flights within pueblo communities of the State of New Mexico. The goal of this MOU is to expand and build upon the current communication about military low level overflight of tribal lands.
An IA NOTAM request can be requested by any pueblo for regularly scheduled events, non-publishable and/or unscheduled events up to 30 days before the effective start date of the IA NOTAM request. This MOU can also serve as a National template to show that collaboration between the state agencies, military personnel and tribal nations can be achieved.
Please Note: The forms available on this website are available for the entities who are listed in the MOU. This MOU only covers all known military fly-overs in the State of New Mexico.

Instructions for No Fly-Over Requests or Overflight Resolution Submissions
To submit a request for a No Fly-Over in your community, or to report a concern with a Fly-Over that has already occurred, you will need to send the following documents to all email addresses listed below:
- COVER LETTER (see sample)
- AND (a) or (b) below:
a. No Fly-Over Request Form (download, fill-out, and email)
b. Overflight Resolution Form (download, fill-out, and email)
- To: josett.monette@iad.nm.gov – IAD Cabinet Secretary and Aaron.Lopez@iad.nm.gov – IAD Public Relations Coordinator
- Cc: 377abw.pa@us.af.mil – 377th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office at Kirtland AFB
- 27sowpa.publicaffairs@us.af.mil – 27th Special Operations Wing Public Affairs Office at Cannon AFB (Clovis, NM)
- 49wg.paoffice@us.af.mil – 49th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office at Holloman AFB (Alamogordo, NM)
- henry.c.minitrez.civ@army.mil – New Mexico Army National Guard Director of Public Affairs
- 150sow.pa.dropbox@us.af.mil – New Mexico Air National Guard Public Affairs Office at Kirtland AFB (Albuquerque, NM)
The forms for the No Fly-Over Request and for Overflight Resolution may be printed, filled out in ink, and scanned and submitted as PDF attachments to your email submission, along with a Cover Letter on Tribal letterhead signed by your Tribal leader or designee.
Alternatively, forms can be mailed to the following address:
New Mexico Indian Affairs Department
Attention: IAD Cabinet Secretary
1220 S. St. Francis Drive
Santa Fe, NM 87505
If this is an emergency request please call the 377th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office at Kirtland AFB at 505-846-5991.